Jun 22, 2016
Taryn Arnold – S1E15 New Media Lab with Rob Southgate
On this episode, Rob’s special
guest is Taryn Arnold from Patreon.
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Taryn's Twitter @TheTarynArnold
Rob Southgate’s Twitter @RSouthgate
Email southgatemediagroup@gmail.com
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SHOW HOSTS: Rob Southgate
SHOW EDITOR: Rob Southgate
PRODUCER: Rob Southgate
#NewMedia #Podcasting #Business
#YouTube #Blogging #Vlogging
In this episode of new media lab is brought to you by tweaked audio
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coupon code Southgate to get thirty percent off free shipping and a
lifetime warranty or you can get there through the link on our
website Southgate media group dot com. Welcome. Once again to the
new media lab, I'm your host, rob Southgate. Today's special guest
is tearing Arnold from patriot. I guess all sorts of questions
about best practices. What works. What doesn't and get some really
fun insights from her to about patriot. And what people do the
works. I hope you enjoyed this much as I did Tarrant. It's all
yours. Terron? Thank you so much for joining me in the new media
lab, I'm Sor excited here. I'm so stoked. Thank you for having me.
No, do you do a lot of these types of interviews. You know, I just
ran into a co worker in the hallway. And I was like I'm on another
podcast today. It's it's becoming a thing. I think this is probably
like my sixth or seventh. But in the last like maybe like ten th
but in the last week it's been like a lot. I've maybe done like
four or something. Yeah. But it's fun. I like it. I mean, there's
nothing better to do than talk about things. He loves so. Yeah, I I
agree. I sabotage my whole life to do that.
Beautiful sabotage. Yes. Yes. So, you know, the reason it might be
the reason you're getting somebody requests, I got an Email from
you. And it said that you're kind of the patriot outreach person.
And I went finally somebody. Yeah. Well, we just we're realizing
that a lot more people wanna talk about this and want to talk about
patriot. An I am all ears. I would clear my day to do this kind of
stuff. It's so fun for me. So I'm happy that you that you reached
out show all right here in let's let's set this up your your from
patriotic. And you're kind of the liaison between the creators. In
patriot kind of answer questions and stuff, right? Yeah. Yes. I'm
kind of the I'm in charge of Brandon content here. But what that's
becoming is. If anybody wants to tweet me if anyone wants to
interview me Vinnie wants to call me. I am all ears to answer
questions. I love talking about it. It's in easy thing for me to
do. I've been here for a little bit over a year. I think I was like
the twentieth employees or something. So I've just been around for
a bit. And and yeah, I I love to dish any information. The limited
knowledge that I have on it. I love to try to share. Right now, I
want you to throw out your Twitter and any way that they can reach
you. We'll do it again at the end and put it in the show notes but
throw it out there right now.
So anyone listening to it's like, you don't really just need to ask
a question right now tweet to to tear in what is it is twin I love
that. I screwed that up. I wish it was two. Aaron my Twitter can
you reach on Twitter at the Taryn Arnold, which is the T A R Y N
and then Arnold. And then I do this for for podcasts. I trust that.
You're a if you're going to Email me your great person. Please be
nice don't yell at me for anything. I've said my Email is Taryn at
patriarch dot com, which says T A R Y N. Yeah. And that's something
that we phoned. You know, I've been interviewing different people
from different, you know, resources for content creators, and it
truly is something that I've found is most people just want to
answer questions and be cool. And you know, if you've got some kind
of. Negative that you wanna throw out there. You know, please.
Remember these human beings. You know, you know, I don't get a lot
of like, hey, or any I don't get a ton of issues on month thing
that I do see a lot of when I give out my Twitter handle, or my
Email is people will Email with product requests or things that
they wish they could see different which I'm more than happy to
respond to. But we do have a at patriots support Twitter handle,
and they are full-time dedicated waiting to answer those questions.
So to get a more immediate and thorough response. That's definitely
the way to go.
Oh, excellent. That's good advice. Yeah. I had a purview from
clamor on. And he's very hands on he's one of the creators of it.
And he was almost the opposite. It was like contact me. You know,
this is you got a problem. Tell me it's funny because there were
couple of things that he and I talked about off the show that I'm
seeing clamor actually right away said it's a good idea. And I'm
starting to see some of that stuff happened. So people really do
listen. I know patriot. Is that same way? So. Yep. I'm that. That
is good news to hear. I love that. So okay. Let's talk about what
patriot can do know. This what we do on the show is we talked to
content creators, anybody that's involved in new media. And and
it's a pretty broad cut. I mean, I get emails from people that are
artists like people from or emails from people that are podcasters
bloggers YouTube creators, I know, a guy who runs a coffee shop
that writes me because he gets a lot of information from this. So
any of these people are game for patriotic. Right. Anybody? Yes. I
before I worked here. I thought you know. Okay. So there's there's
major categories of people that are on patriotic. There's know
podcasters YouTubers comics painters. But now that I worked here
long enough. There are everything you can possibly imagine. Is here
on patriotic. And that's like a really special and cool thing to be
able to say, but yes, if you run a coffee shop, you are more than
welcome to join patriotic. If you run a cat adoption place you can
join patriot. I say that because they are on patriots.
That isn't. Yes, there are things like that. So yeah, anyone is
game. So one of the things when I first started using patriot.
We're we're gonna go back on this a little bit. So you kind of get
a history we have I think three patriot accounts set up. I'm going
to ask you about that a little bit. But before I do that. When I
first started one of the things, I did was I looked up podcast. I
wouldn't've into search. I typed in podcasts. I didn't find a lot.
And what I found. I wasn't really like digging. What they were
doing. Now what I look I see a lot more people on there. I do see
some some other things one of my questions. Right. There is. Is
there anybody who's doing podcasts will start there that you say?
Yeah. You know, what they really got it? Right. They're doing a
great job on patriots. Somebody that you might want people to look
at. That is a great question. There are I mean, there are tons of
people that are just crushing it specifically in podcasting. I
think it works really well with the model, and what patriotic does
I think it's just like a really natural connection for people
because you know, podcasters are always pushing content. It's
pretty regular. They have a pretty set schedule of the way they
release things, and you know, podcast fans are fans like those are
people that like you. They like what you make. They listen they
stick around until it works really well with patriarch, but people
that I think are doing early.
Well, let's see and there I mean, I'm just gonna namedrop for a
second storage. Star Trek radio is is on here, which is Neil
degrasse Tyson, which is really crazy that he's on patriotic. But
but they do it. Well, there's also Tom Merritt. Who does the daily
tech news show is on patriotic right now, he has I'm pulling it up
right now. He gets fifteen thousand. Dollars per month. He has
almost five thousand patrons. And and I mean, he just is the he's
such a great example of keep doing just keep making. That's like
one of our biggest tips for people. Like, how do I do patriotic
wants the best way to do? Art twins the best way to get fans.
What's the best way? In a lot of it is, you know, just don't stop
making things and any people get so hung up on the thing that
they're making in like the one bit like, oh, I'm really putting all
my soul into this one podcast. And then I send it out. And oh, it
didn't get the reaction that I wanted. I'm just gonna sit here and
cry for a little bit like there's no time for that. In this world.
Like, everyone is make this no time for that. Like every by the the
time, you spend crying. They're spend thirty more podcasts in your
avenue that have just released. So it's like you just make the next
thing and hope that it's better or find small tweaks to make
anyway, it when you land on the daily tech new show on there.
Patient page, which is just patriot on dot com slash DT. NS? His
first line is Tom Merritt has done more than two thousand episodes
of the daily tech new show your dislike. Wow, this guy just keeps
on rocking, and you can see with his rewards and his milestones. It
is goals in all these things. He just he does a really awesome job
with patriotic end. Yeah. He he's he's a great example. No, you
don't. It's great. I'm glad you brought this up 'cause I pulled it
up, and he is rocking it crush. And this is this is a single show.
This daily tech news is a single show. Now, I always have this.
Position. That's a little bit different because my wife, and I own
a network we have eighty seven shows, and and it puts us in a weird
position. When I look at patriot. And I think this is why I've
struggled with it. He's making fifteen thousand we're making two
dollars a month right now. Oh, my heart. Yeah. And and it trust me
it hurts because this is all we do. Yeah. No. What's kim? I'll tell
you a question. What is how how how do you make your two dollars? I
wanna make you mean, not patriotic. Okay. Got it. Yes. Got it. So I
thought for a second there. I thought you were saying in general,
you're making two dollars, which it wouldn't be that crazy because
that's what happens with YouTube. And you know, the the way that
they value a view on YouTube is just like the worst thing ever. But
okay, good. So just two dollars on patriots. Not that. That's good.
No, it's terrible. But but actually, I'll address it a second.
We're going to actually go to mind, and we're going to look at it.
But I wanted to say about daily tech news is this is something that
was I two thoughts. Here's let's get them. Both out at once really
confused people first of all undiluted techniques.
When I look at it. And I'm looking at the rewards. This is critical
because when I was first looking at it when I told you I was trying
to find podcast that did it. The the rewards were ridiculous. And a
lot of things I thought were like pledges up to, you know, ten
thousand dollars if you do this our pockets, and I'm thinking who's
doing that? And what a waste of time. And I even did it because I
thought this is what you do. I'm looking at his he's got one dollar
five dollar ten dollar and twenty dollar. That is tight. I could
totally see people doing the twenty dollar. I totally see the one
the five to ten in. It makes a lot of sense. It just felt like I
wasn't finding an example that worked, and we'll get to mind, and
and we'll see that. Now, the other thought I had and this is where
I've had a stumbling block. So we have we have a lot of podcast
that we're friends with in. They have a single show, right? Or
maybe they have two or three shows for them whenever they've talked
me about it. I say make a patriot. If you have three shows make
make. Three different patriot accounts one for each show and kind
of do your own thing when we have eighty seven shows I've wrestled
with how do I manage eighty seven patriot accounts? I set up the re
and got nowhere. I got to two dollars on the main south gate media
group one I set it up. I'm not sure if my rewards are right. I'm
not sure if I'm getting the news out there the right way for Nuff
said, which is our shield show. The only time we had success in
there. We got up to I think eight dollars a month was because at
the like two dollar level. You got a free full-on show that was
patron only number one we loved that. And the people that got it
were so responsive in loved it so much, but when you're only
getting, you know, eight bucks, and and you're like, wow, we're
already doing eighty seven shows eight dollars to do an extra
It was not that really attractive keep going up not the way to do
it. Yeah. So what would you suggest we're gonna we're going to go
back to that? After everybody's looked at daily tech news and
gotten these great ideas. What would you suggest if you're a
network versus a single show is it good to have something for each
show is a good for something to have for. Maybe your top twenty
shows is a good to have that. Plus have a Maine network show
patriot. Plus on top of that, we now have YouTube and blogging and
everything else. Those things I know I know it crushes. I I hear
you, and I do unto dollars a month. It's so much to do unto. It's
just not even I'm sorry for that. That does not sound helpful when
we're doing it's going to change all that. Isn't it? Let's hope.
Oh, God the pressure pressure. Yeah. Okay. So two things first
thing I would say in response to your thought about rewards. We
actually have data that says that high earning creators tend to
have more than two reward level. So a lot of creators think that
just keeping it really simple like, oh, one reward or to rewards or
something like that is a better thing to do. But we're finding that
having options, and I have a graph in front of me that's showing
like number of words rewards from one to six and the graph keeps
going, but as it goes from from one to six the the graph just goes
exponentially higher than the extra award that you have which is
interesting. So yeah. Like, the likelihood of processing at least
one hundred dollars in your first month is at like twelve percent
if you have one to two rewards than it skips to like fourteen
percent if you have three and then it six you're at if you have
Horri- it's out like twenty two percent or something like that. So
it almost double. I mean, it really really makes a change the more
rewards that you have. And I I would assume that the thought behind
that is just that when people see options, and they see other
things that they can contribute to they're more likely to dish out
a little bit a little bit extra than what they were planning. So if
there's only like a one in three level rewards here in that, I saw
a five level a five dollar reward here that I was like, oh, you
know, I could do that. I kind of want that. But then you see the
ten dollar one in. You're like, whoa, man. I don't wanna miss out
on that. And then, you know, it's like the I think that thinking is
probably what ends up happening to people. So that's just on your
first point. I think that's interesting to know. Because I think if
I was starting a patriot page, which I might soon who knows I would
think to have smaller smaller level of rewards and just hope that
that works. Well, but the data actually shows that the more level
of awards the more numbers of rewards that you have the higher the
higher chance that you have of processing funny. Yeah. So very
interesting. His he has four levels on there. And that seems like a
pretty good amount. And I could see I could see his stops at
twenty. I could even see putting a hundred dollar one on there.
Just just in case. But anything above that? I mean, then it's
really the only people doing it are your parents right at. I mean,
I would hope not. But I would assume so.
And I mean in another just thing to think about when fulfilling
when creating your rewards is you you're already making podcasts.
You've got your extras that you're making you've got all the
editing. All calling all the interviewing everything that you do in
the rewards that you offer shouldn't really be extra work for you.
There should really be letting people in on the things that you're
already doing. So if you see again daily took new show is a great
example of this his rewards are extra things that he has to work
and do they're like, oh, you're a co executive producer of the
show. So he, you know, put your name on his show are on his like a
podcast or something like that. Even supply you with a template to
make your own business cards like that's just an Email. That's an
easy thing to send to him. And then, you know, the second thing or
his twenty dollar award as like a in Skype number. So that you
don't just read it, and I love. That it's the it's the coolest, and
so, you know, that's not extra work for Tom to do. That's just Tom
doing what Tom does. And and he's letting people in on the process
other than people, or I guess why enjoy this better is that if I
say, my twenty dollar reward is is send you a t-shirt. It turns out
it's probably going to cost me more money and time to send you a t
shirt than it is to even have you pledge dot dot dot, roared
amounts. So that's where I was that was one of my sticking point.
So I think a lot of people will see that in understand then that
you know, you gotta spend money to make money. But maybe you don't
have to do it at that level. Maybe two hundred dollars worth
Yeah. One hundred bucks, you say, hey, I'll give you all of these
things and a t shirt, and it's like, you know, what if someone is
pledging to me a hundred dollars per month that's a chunk of change
for someone to just like my podcast. I will send them sure I'll
show up at your house. You know? I will send you myself and hug you
twenty one on ours. Where I think it was at the five hundred dollar
level where like you have the power to fire us take the show. Yes.
You know as long as you pay it. It's all yours. You know, totally.
I have a what am I friends? Allies fact, Nola is on patriot. And
her I'm gonna find it right now because it's so epic. She has a two
hundred and fifty dollar per video reward tier that is called
friends IRL in real life. And it says come to Los Angeles. And
we'll hang out bring a friend or your mom or your dog or something
we can get coffee drinks, whatever you obviously are responsible
for to get your butt out here. But I will, you know, by by your
first drink, and she I saw pictures she there's one patron that is
doing this. And he went out and hung out with her in L A, and she
was like live snap. Chatting the whole thing. It was like I with my
patriot. This. Is so crazy awesome.
Yeah. So anyway, long way around to just tell you that. Your awards
shouldn't be a hassle for you. These are people people don't want
you doing extra work they want you crushing what you're doing and
letting them in. So they can see like the behind the scenes of what
you're doing. I think those are the rewards that really really
captivate people and get them to pledge and give them the most
rewarding. I guess feeling. No, let's go back to the question. I
had the the big one for network people. And this is also goes for I
mean, I'm talking podcast, but YouTubers bloggers anybody runs into
this. So do you suggest having one for each show or do you suggest
doing it? Like one overarching the overarching when seems like or I
think I think both. But I'm not sure how to do both. What do you
think? I was gonna ask. What are what are your different shows?
Like, can you give me a handful of different things that you're
doing under the same umbrella? Yeah. I'll give you a good cross
section. So we do a lot of TV base stuff. So one of our shows one
that we set up a patriot account for already is enough said podcast
and that one deals with agents of shield and marvel. Okay. So that
was the one we had a little tiny sliver of success with. We also
have I did one for ever after which is a once upon a time podcast.
I was planning on doing one for this show for new media lab because
this gets so much attention and a lot of people respond on this
one. I thought you know, what it would probably be a good idea to
have a patriot for this. We have some that we have a lot of geek
Centric. But then we have things like we have a serialized audio
book. That's just wrapping up and we're about to start another one.
We have one about Pinterest, which is more of a social media
focused business one. I we've got a lot of subjects if there's a
subject that you're interested in we probably have a show about in
some way now with the YouTube channel, we have one channel. And
then I use Canada.
Stories there. So are Walking Dead show. I take those shows I turn
them into YouTube shows, we're starting to put a ridge it'll
content there, but that takes time and money. So right now, I'm
using are already recorded podcast. Just like you were saying you
something you already have an adding to it. Now. One of our our
guys Jack from the Nuff said podcast. He's one of my guys. He's
like my closest friend. Jack suggested the other day that when we
record enough said at the very end we record for five or ten
minutes of video thing. And he goes we can put it on patriot. We
can use it for whatever. But it's something unique. It's not taking
any time that we're not really doing. It's just us behind the
scenes talking smack like we do. I mean, we we probably spent a
half smack to each other every show. That to me sounds like
something like when he said, I thought it might be a good reward or
it might be good YouTube fodder. So that gives you an idea. Yeah.
Definitely. So. Only live shows too. We do live shows when we
produced so many different things in it live event that alone could
have ten patriots attached to it. And rob you keep yourself busy.
What in the world is ridiculous? Just starting a masters program. I
go to next orientation get us. Cheers. Good luck to her. So here's
what I would say. I would say I generally tell people if they're
fans fall in the same vein. If you think that a majority of your
fans, listen to all of your things, I I would put it all on one
page. I would just say, hey, we this is this is our umbrella page
you help do all of these different things. Thank you so much help
keep us alive. If your fans are are pretty split. And you think
like, hey, I'm a huge fan of enough said podcast, not a big fan of
one of the other ones on then I I would think that instead of
setting up, you know, eighty seven different patriot pages I would
recommend setting up a page, maybe for one or two of the podcasts
that you have that have the most engaged listeners, the most I
guess promise in your eyes for a patriotic page, and suburbs like
All your energy into those two things. I would even recommend just
doing one and seeing what works what doesn't, but it actually might
be kind of fun to split test due to and see what kind of different
will words people respond to or how much energy it takes to push
one on social media versus the other. And how that turns into
patronage and from that I would build other pages based on the
response of the two separate ones that you do have. I just think if
it's going to split your audience, and you think that someone's
like, oh, I wanted to be a patron, but not of this thing. But
definitely of this thing that I would recommend doing different
pages. But I wouldn't launch them all at the same time. I would
start with with maybe two max and play and play from there that
we've already done that. So it'd be good if we could tweak what
we've got going with those two. Yes. Building on that. Okay. That
that's a great answer. Now, you mentioned in their social media.
How do people let other people know they have a patron how? Do they
get that out there because I'll mention it at the end of the show
will mention it here. And there the way we got enough said things
as we put a little thing at the end. And we we put it on our
YouTube thing at the very end we put a patriot log onto police
support us on patriot. What we'll do what what do you suggest man?
There are so many things to do. So the biggest I mean, here's
here's by thing. Sometimes I tweet something out something, I think
is funny. And I'd like, you know, this is going to get some love.
This is a funny tweet great job Taryn. And then people don't see
it. There are a billion tweets in like a second. I mean does
Vacuous. It's like it's like I can't even find my own tweet after I
refresh the page. I'm like where the hell did that go? So like, I
think when you think about that. And when you realize like man, I
feel like I might be annoying my fans 'cause I tweeted out four
times in the last week about my patriarch page. They probably
didn't see it like odds are they like haven't seen it. They don't
know what you're doing. I I would start with pre launch of a page
you get people excited about it. We just had a huge launch by this
group called easy allies. If you go to patriarch dot com slash I
think it's just slash easy allies on they are just rocking. Like,
it's not even I'm pulling it upright cow thirty thousand a month.
It's it's something. So there thirty seven thousand dollars a
month. These guys had a following. And they're show. I don't wanna
bunch of this. But I wanna say like their show was was shut down.
Elsewhere. They couldn't keep doing it where they were doing it.
They thought they were gonna quit. Oh, no all their fans are like,
whoa. I am a fan of you. I want you to keep going. So they start
before they launched their patron page. They say, hey, we have a
special announcement on this date, and they start every guy in the
group is tweeting like this ominous eerie date, that's like a week
in the future or something. And everyone's like, okay. What's that
So everyone's like, then they start tweeting get excited this date.
You know, those heads of things in really just drumming up the
intimidation. And then when they launch obviously, the date was for
the launch of their patron page when they launched. They did a a
wanna say it was like a eleven to twelve hour livestream that they
stayed live. And they were like, hey, join us on this livestream.
Today's a huge day for us. Come chat. They were totally there with
their fans they were on social media throughout the entire day.
They're tweeting their Facebook gang. They're doing everything they
can to keep people engaged and stoked and to remind them that
they're launching like they made an event out of it. And I think
that that's like that's the thing to do. I'm imagining if I had a
handful, you know, if I had a bunch of fans, and I'm and I'm
starting a patriarch page. I don't know that that many people are
going to sit and watch me do a livestream. But I'll do it. I want
people to know that. I'm like, I'm doing something social media at
least during the launch phase is just constant reminders and almost
being like a little annoying. Like, I'm kind of a fan of just like
telling people more than you should then obviously. Once you're
already launched you add any type of like in your podcast, you add
multiple times that you're like, hey, this is supported by
patriarch. If you wanna check this out, whatever or on videos, we
have a creator and somebody who's actually become a friend of mine
seems Peter Hollins he's on patriotism cappella videos. He talks a
lot about every time that he finishes a video no matter how big it
is. Or if there's like five million views whenever he has a thirty
second to one minute thing at the end, where he's you know, the
costume is over he's just in his regular clothes. He's a normal guy
again. And he's looking straight into the camera, and he's just
thanking people for supporting him patriarch telling people
Outs possible and pushing people to his patron page in like that
just moment of him being so real like, you're like, wow. Wow. I
trust this guy. I'm I wanna listen to this guy. I want to check out
his feature on page. I don't even know what patriot is. But I'm
gonna go check it out. It's any time that you can do a real
reminder to to your fans in a real Bank you and just like full
transparency. Like, hey, this is how this works. I think is a great
way to plug it and to talk about it. Nope. This brings up another
question. Yeah. I noticed from looking at some of these some people
are are of the mindset that you have to have this promo video over
people are like, you know, what it doesn't really matter as long as
you've got your your logo in that. There has been any studies that
say definitely have a video, and what are your thoughts on that?
Like, I I was starting to do one. And I had so many people jumping
into no, no, no, it's gotta be, you know, like super professional,
and you've got to hire people in going that seems what you were
saying way outside of. What I wanna do? What are you on the video
part of it? Is it necessary? I personally think it's necessary.
Like, that's my favorite part of getting to people's patriarch
pages is when you land on their page, and you see their video and
you're like, oh, cool. I can't wait to see what they have to say.
And what they're doing. Because a lot of people just honestly don't
wanna read like unless you're a writer people don't wanna read like
a big chunk about your story. And and the I feel like it's just
easier to connect with people when you are looking at them, and you
can see what they're doing and thinking, so I think it's necessary.
I don't know if we have stats on what a video does. I can probably
get those for you. But I I mean, I don't know why it would be a bad
idea unless it's like a really bad video like unless you're using
like a old flip phone to record it in. It's like.
Since to me to have the video. What did make sense is the amount of
pressure to make it like this completely produced and I'm like.
That's not how we roll here. You know, but we also come from the
world of Zien ze. And you know, like guerrilla marketing, that's
what this whole company was based on. So I I have a hard time with
that. If you're not just jumping inside no pay to have a fully
produced video that I'm in a I'm going to go along the lines of do
something that shows your passion and get your message across but
don't let don't let those professional moments hinder. You make
sense at totally when I mean, if you like if you are of okay,
here's the difference. If you were a video creator and you made
these ethically beautiful four K videos, and you'd better have that
in video, right? If you come out like this video, I'm going to be
like man, you could do better than that. I know that, but, but if
you're a podcast her, then the best thing that I can imagine you
doing is a video. Oh of you sitting in front of your microphone
saying, hey, this is my studio. This is where I do it. I do this is
my computer, this, my whatever bringing people into what you're
doing. And then being like. I don't I mean, I don't know if you're
on video often. But like, I just think unless it's like pretty bad
it, then I would love video. I would love to see what like my
favorite podcast looks like again on daily tech new show. If you go
back to his page. I haven't pushed play because I don't know how
it's going to be if I do, but the freeze frame of his picture or of
his video on his page is him sitting in front of his microphone in
his studio. It's not like some wildly his suit jacket on. But who
knows he might not have pants on? You don't know they saying is
he's a podcast re probably doesn't when you look at this picture,
though. It also reeks to me of he's not a video guy. It's not
Exactly, right. It's it looks like he made this thing that he's
talking to the fence. I really like that I do too. I wanna see what
you guys look like when you're just like sitting there. That's what
I care about. I don't need you to hire. Like a crew to come in
folly around and give me this like false, look at your life. You
know? Yeah. All right. We don't have much more time. I am gonna
want you on this show. Again. I have a feeling we have so much more
to talk about. But before we do that. I want you to go to our let's
go to the Nuff said page. Okay. And that's patriot dot com is just
slash enough. Said it probably enough said podcast. See I don't
even know because I don't use it that much. Change its way. I add
you on tearing Iran enough said podcast got I see. Okay. So right
there you can see we've got a promote an animated promo that we
did. It's pretty basic stuff. And I've got the rewards laid out on
the side there. You know, I can tell right now that I'd like to
change the logo up at the top. What do you think of this though? Me
see here. Video is not one promoting the patriot page. So now that
I see it. I'm already thinking I would like to do something
promoting the page. But I would also do something creative with it.
But if if you look this over what what does that do for you? What
is is it like, wow, rob your this is a train wreck? Or you've got
the beginnings. Make some changes. I don't think it's a train wreck
at all. This is this is a very basic shell of what a patriot page
looks like.
And I think this is like pretty spot on what I would do is maybe
under creator post like maybe add a few posts some like free posts
that people can see. So that when they land on your page, they go,
oh, this is like the type of thing that I I would be getting if I
was a patron. That's like one thing I would change just because
right now, it's like a little bear. At once you scroll down after
the video and the explanation then off the top of my head. Let me
see if there's anything else I would add a reward in between one
and twenty five maybe a few. But since you don't have patrons right
now. I would give people more of an option at the lower tier then
larger things because if I came here in island saw that you didn't
have any patriots in the nice all one dollar reward and a twenty
five dollar word. I'd be like I think they're kind of dreaming
right now. Like, I wish I could I wanna give more than a dollar.
But I'd not ready to give twenty five. What if I could give two
four five? Five that goes back to what I was saying before I
definitely fees were out of wack law. Now, here's an interesting
thing. You said it doesn't have the creator posts. And maybe I did
this wrong. If you go in I do have those daredevil shows, we did
for the patriotic only does that mean that that doesn't show up
because I know you could set it that way those patriot post then is
that correct?
Yeah. So the patron. Okay. So what happens is under crater posts?
The only thing that I can see if I'm not a patron yet is whatever
you've made as a public post some not a patron only post. Okay. So
why it's good to have patron or widespread to have public posts.
There is because right now, it looks like you haven't posted
anything which you have. It's just that you've made them patron
only. But I can't see that. And that's something that we're working
on our side because it would be nice to know that there are things
that were patriot only. But for now, I can't see that you've made
patron only post. So I feel like I'd be pledging to something that
I might not even be, you know, are they active on this page. Do
they do anything? So I would add a few people aren't pledging in
order for you to make podcasts or pledging. So you can keep doing
what you're doing. So I, you know, they're free. Anyway, you might
as well add two or three of your last episodes in show people like
what the posts look like what they haven't side. Also, when you go
to patron posts that will be once I am a patron. I can comment on
your page. That's without like a Facebook wall Chiyoda. So that
that's what would you suggest like with with enough said we have
our podcast report every week. But then we also have some video
things here in there, would you suggest plugging in maybe maybe
having to podcasts than one video. Or should.
I keep him at separate. Just do the podcast. What do you think?
Interesting. Sensor per month. You're not really bugging people. If
you were to, you know, post a few like if you were perk creation,
and then you were put like making a lot of paid posts of a lot of
different things. I'd be like, oh, man. I was not prepared to be
paying this much money, but as a per month, I don't think it hurts
to be, you know, get putting all the stuff that you have on your
already at how much should you put on because like Nuff said itself
there are three to four shows every week on this feed. There are we
we're probably at two hundred and fifty three hundred posts plus
than we have video, and we have blogs attached to it. Well, would
you say put maybe ten podcasts on or would you say take the time
start putting them all on their in fill? This thing up. What do you
think? I would maybe fill it with your last month's worth of stuff.
Okay. Or maybe you know, maybe the last. Since you guys post so
much it actually might not you might not need to you could just
post maybe the last week. It sounds like you'd have at least like
five things to post or something like that over the lecture. Yeah.
So starting there isn't the worst idea and just so people have an
idea of what they'd be getting, you know, if they're fans they've
probably seen everything that you posted already. So I wouldn't
waste too much of your time back filling. But I think that you can
do something with with just your most recent stuff. So so it's also
a blank cool.
Yeah. I think that answered a lot. I definitely effort make some of
these changes. I'm definitely gonna wanna swing back and ask you
about this. And I think from a listener standpoint, they'd probably
wanna know what happens. So maybe we'll give it a couple of months,
and then I'll reach out to you if you're willing, and we'll have
you on again. Does that sound good? Sounds great. I would love to
hear it. One more time give that social media. Tell them how they
can reach you in. And then I suggest everyone kind of follow along
as I changed enough said podcast in Southgate media Ripon cast
patriots. So go ahead. Get your info you can reach me on Twitter
the best place to reach me on. It would be on Twitter at the Taryn
Arnold T. H E T A R Y N A R L D. Excellence. Yes, it once again,
thank you so much. Thank you so much. I'm excited to hear. New
media lab is a south gate media group production produced mixed
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