Jun 29, 2016
Ricky Diaz – S1E16 New Media Lab with Rob Southgate
On this episode, Rob’s special
guest is Ricky Diaz, host of the Primatech Files Podcast and
blogger for TVBinges.com. Rob and Ricky discuss strategies
for getting guests, launching a successful podcast, and insights
into his social media strategy.
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SHOW HOSTS: Rob Southgate
SHOW EDITOR: Rob Southgate
PRODUCER: Rob Southgate
#NewMedia #Podcasting #Business
#YouTube #Blogging #Vlogging
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Southgate media group dot com. Welcome to the new media lab. I am
your host rob Southgate day. Very special s I have Ricky the as he
is a podcast from our network. And he does the private tech by
which is a show all about the show heroes. It's been really
successful for us. He gives us a lot of insights into his social
media strategy and kind of how that show organically grew into
being such a large force. So here he is Ricky as Ricky thank you so
much for joining me here in the new media lab, this has been a long
time coming man, I I I was really excited to see that we could line
this up for those that don't know Ricky Ricky is in the UK, I'm in
the United States, and we've got some time differences there, and
we're both super busy. So getting you on here. This is literally
the first time we've spoken to definitely I just wanna say. Before
we get into this just wanna say, thank you. Rub. Putting up with
me, and my OCD, and how particular I can be. I know it's what me a
while to Lilith to get used to it. So I'm glad that you know, it's
been clear sailing with you as well. So yeah.
Oh my gosh. You're OCD doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I feel so
blessed to have you here. A Martin I talk about that all the time.
And that's another funny thing before you started doing prime
attack. Ricky does the private files for the Southgate media group
and four you started doing prime attack files, which is what we're
here to talk about. You you were working for TV benches show
ratings TV, which were partnered with and it's funny because we
were talking online, but you were like the only one from there that
I didn't know at I kept getting these notices from Ricky like loves
TV McHugh loves movies and Katina's, and I'm going who is this. How
how does he not hitting my radar this? And then one day Lilith sent
me a note said Ricky, and I are doing the show, and I was like how
do you Lilith, and I guess we just hired Ricky. So I it's great.
But I think it was a long time coming for this to happen.
Definitely. So Ricky tell us a little about yourself before we get
into prime tech vials. What's your background? You're a new media
person. That's for sure. So let's hear it. So yeah. Basically, I
work in post production over here in the UK a kind of been doing it
for a couple of years now. But most of my stuff comes from. Well,
the the beginning of the story is by see I went away on cruise
ships for a couple of years, and I I didn't watch TV. And when I go
back, I just ended up binge-watching loss stuff and found the joys
of Twitter from Twitter, I met Kyle, and blah, and then it will
kind of started from the like I'd start joining up with them to
from. We love we love TV more to show ratings to TV binges. And
then fruit Kyle is where I met kind of Lilith, and that's where
primates at clause came from now premature files, but I don't want
to get into that too much yet. Because I want to talk about what
you do a little bit proprietary files is about heroes. Are you a
huge heroes fan is that why that niche attracted you, or did you
just see it as an opportunity?
Oh, no. I've always been like a really big here. I was found. It
was one of the TV shows. I used to love is a I'd say a teenager.
But. Yeah, it was it was one of the shows that I I re-. Really got
into inside light checking back on the mythology because there was
so much extra content. The heroes. It wasn't just the TV program.
There was like comic books that was like online games. They had a.
Oh, jeez. And I was checking all of the out, and then when it ended
I was working on all PG boards, and like all my knowledge from
heroes came from that all PG Boyd because I was trying to make you
as canon as possible while diverging at the same time, and I was on
that site for a good couple of years. Then that was it here. A kind
of left there to go traveling than when I came back started working
for Kyle, and blah, and then heroes reborn came out. And I was like
if there was one show I wanna pug cost about it's going to be here
rose so reached out to Lilith and the rest is history. Yeah. The
rest is will the reason that I wanted to have you on number one. I
wanted to talk to you about your social media strategy. I wanna
talk about you know, how you've done some of this stuff. For the
listener the reason that I specifically wanted to talk to Ricky is
with prime attack files, which from a from a standpoint of TV shows
is pretty niche. We think about it heroes. Reborn was how many
episodes dozen.
Yeah. Thirteen episode series. That's that's bringing back a
series. That's years old that only lasted what three or four
seasons full. And and with all that behind it. You have so far put
together a hundred sixty four episodes or actually more in the in
the can here and your your numbers from a download perspective are
like quadruple, our highest show was the is the niche isn't it in
it is niche? Yeah, definitely heroes was always kind of like a big.
It was one of those shows that came about just a run round about
the the good the sweet spot of TV in the second. And I think they
called it the second viewing experience so like Twitter, and I
think they had like little things that you could watch in the
commercial break. So that kind of stuff, and it was one of the
first TV programs. I remember I think lost was big on it as well.
But that was the whole mythology behind it that you kind of have to
look if you were really big fan online, and they kept to the little
people that way, and they kind of stayed. And so I think the online
heroes fandom is as is as much as sometimes it infuriates may it's
one of the most passionate fan bases. There is whether they like it
or not so yeah. Yeah. Well, it's to me. It's just fascinating. And
you mentioned lost lost his actually when I've talked to other
other podcasters to pop culture stuff lost his touchstone where the
the two that come up every time the say, the reason I started
podcasting was fixation on loss in a fixation on X files. Then I
really think you've hit on something. I think there's a fixation on
Does that most people don't put at the top of their mind? But as
soon as you said, I wanna do prime attack files, I'm going to be
talking heroes somebody who hadn't myself who hadn't thought about
heroes in awhile got really excited and started thinking, oh my
gosh. I used to read all this stuff. And I hope the comics are
good. I got like right back to it. The ironic thing is I didn't
watch a single episode of heroes reborn podcast. So that's right
now that was intended to be a thirteen week series. And they'd they
said that from the beginning. But have you heard any rumblings are
they bringing it back? No. I don't think at the moment when it when
it was a when it finished its run. It was it's it's a very click by
thing to say about the show has been canceled. But they always said
that it was going to be a, well, it just depends on your point of
view. Like, Tim crane has always said it was going to be a one and
done. But you know, if it was more kind of a need for it. That
there was a possibility of it coming back, and it didn't do too
well in the writing. So a lot of people would said, oh, well, you
know, that's what they would say. If it if it was going to come
back. It would have come back. But obviously because it's it's been
canceled. But on show.
I don't necessarily buy that with this. I think that that this
series was meant to be a chapter and this series seems like
something that has a joy, call it a second life it. Yes. It can
live in other formats kinda like Buffy has gone onto live comics.
And yeah, those comments are popular, you know, I think this is the
same type of thing. So I I don't know how much I buy that is click
beta or really that was just kind of wear their head was at and Tim
kring. Thanks. I have other projects I can do this. I think it's
just one of those things that like he had the time. And he had the
story that he wanted to tell and he wanted to finish the story, and
they will give him this opportunity. He took it. And now it's just
a case of waiting a couple of years, hopefully, not five for him to
think of another story. We told to quite a few of the riot is one
of the riot is is really quite friendly with us. And he's told us
that you know, they they do have a plan for a second season of
heroes. They they would include it review. Because that's a
separate chapter. They would call it something else. But they
actually have an idea, and it will be something completely
different from what we've seen, and that's all I could get out of
him because he didn't want to tell me anything else.
I don't wanna push you away. Right. Right. So you've been really
successful with the podcast. I n you also are a blogger, right?
Yes. So do you do any blogging related to the prime attack files?
Or is it literally just the show notes that you deal with? Oh, no.
When when heroes reborn came out. I was doing the TV binges. I was
doing a a five things recap on the episode and stuff lead to look
out for in like kind of stuff that you could that that was being
launched in future episodes when you so lucky enough to get a free
game. So yeah, we we got a couple of days before he got released to
the general public, and it took me like three days to complete or
my ipad, and I had to complete because I had to get it out before
before the general release. So yeah, we got very lucky in some
respects. Like, there was a magazine that came out a managed to
speak to one of the senior says on it because it was. Coming out
that that much over here in England or I couldn't find any ended up
sending me free copies. We go very lucky with some of the stuff.
But you know, you have to take those opportunities while you can
get it. No this. This is part one of the strategy that I wanna talk
about you did get a lot of attention. You guys ended up on TV
Canadian. What was it entertainment tight?
Yeah. You ended up getting some great interviews. You got some as
you said some early release stuff. How did you go about doing that?
And this is we're gonna framework in TV, but anybody listening. I
mean, whatever your show is about whatever your blog is about their
YouTube channels about you've got a subject, you're working. So you
can take these ideas and kind of go out how did you attract that
attention? Well, it was my my stuff was done through Twitter. I
know there's loads em. You know, we've got all this. Social media's
we've got like, the we go Facebook tumbler klama, but most of it
was from Twitter and most of every all of our content stems from
Twitter, and then the rest kind of was just placed on the other
four on the other social media platforms. We manage to get followed
by quite a couple of big heroes. Reborn. Kind of official site says
the heroes universe which was very big. And we even go followed by
the heroes official account. One of the biggest things that kind of
was. Aw, was all the Lynch pin of everything was a Facebook group
on Facebook cooled heroes fans unite unites and one of the admins
of that when heroes was first about they were doing a lot of the
stuff that we were doing they're covering everything from heroes.
And I guess they took a liking to us and they helped us out with a
low of interviews. And we got a like it was interviews from heroes
prime. So.
Oh, the original stuff. But then she managed to gals quite a low of
of the heroes. Reborn people. And from that that kind of from
getting the interviews with like hit Tim crane was a really big
one. Who's the creator of the show? Yeah. Then I think each one to
get from that that's where everything kind of stemmed from and we
were able to get the executive producer on the executive producer
was able to put us in touch with a costing. And we live was really
big on talking to one of the causing agents. And then you know, he
was able and then we got a couple of the riots to follow us, and
they quite like they like to a law, and you know, we've interviewed
a couple of them a couple of times. So yeah, it was just really a
lot of being in the right places at the right time. The Facebook
group also got us on sir AT Canada, because I was put in the
episodes on the Facebook group as well as mice live things. And the
guy the producer from anti candidate sore and said, I'd love the
toll ta and. That's where that came stems from while you actually
had there was a lot more than just being in the right place at the
right time in just said, I I I have a couple of questions. This is
one of those episodes. I'm gonna have to go back and take notes,
and then we listen again and take notes again, I have a feeling so
so you you get in with this group this Facebook group, and they're
connecting you how does that go and how how does all of this go
because I know personally like we interviewed Doug Jones. And that
was a big interview for me. I'm a big fan. And I don't do a lot of
those types of interviews. Just because I just don't, but this was
one I I wanted to grab and the way that happened was I tweeted
something I tagged him in it just because it was relevant to him.
He wrote back and said all thank you so much. I said is there any
way I could possibly interview you he gave me his PR person. And we
set it up is that the route you've had to go or is it been
For they've contacted you and said, I love to be on or have you
seen their name pop up and you've written back and said, hey, can
we make this happen? What what's out different ways? The Tim Tim
kring in view was sell through the puzzle on the heroes. Reborn. A
Facebook group. And she goes a lot of other interviews with people
from heroes the original series, but a lot of the heroes prime a a
love the heroes. Reborn interviews with Don initially three
tweeting. I basically would sell the notification. So as soon as
they tweeted anyone from the show, whether it be cost crew, right?
As I wanted to speak to everyone about their opinion on the show.
As soon as they tweeted, I would get a notification. I would tweet
them directly straight that sometimes. But look, I run a hero's re
heroes reborn pub costs would you have time to to for an interview.
And, you know, some people got back to us like eve hollow pretty
much as soon as she got the Email got the tweets she said, yes. And
just told it's a follow us in. Then we arrange the time for that.
The same thing happened with quite love them. Like crazy. One of
the riot was exactly the same. But I think that crazy also had kind
of heard of us through the I don't know if they blowing smoke into,
but, you know, Zachary was like, we listen to you guys in the
writers room, and I think that helps us out a little bit. But you
know, again, I don't know if he was just being very nice. But yeah,
a lot of the white is kind of go in with talking to us about it.
And we're going to kind of try and do more stuff with that.
Heroes reborn. The DVD came out and the like some of the extras
were not very good. So we which wine to do a commentary with the
rights and us all what a great idea. That's the idea. We've already
talked to one guy we've already told the two of them. And they said
they're up for it is just about trying to find time. So yeah, now,
you said something in there again that I wanna I wanna go back to
and this is something that I've I've gleamed we've had by the way
people that listen to this show. We've had Lilith on as guest and
the next person minute bring up his Troy Heinrich who was the first
or second cast. I think Lilith might have been one. And he was
number two. Troy does a blacklist podcast that has been nominated
in has done. Really? Well, and in what you just said it reminded me
of Troy because they have had the same type of experience with the
writers room blacklist. And I think that might be a key. If you're
doing TV more if. You're doing film or any type of subject you find
out. What that what that step is? And maybe re tweet to that group.
I know I'm sure heroes probably has a hero's writer's room Twitter
account. Correct on doesn't oh. So basically when a soon as heroes.
They started announcing everything for heroes. Reborn live from the
the costs. I pretty much was on IMDB every other day looking at and
seen who was Ryan episodes. I will try and find the Mansueto I made
a comprehensive list of pretty much everyone who was on the show.
Whether it be like, a recurring carrots, a couch who's on unit for
one or two episodes, who I really liked the main cost the riot is
some of the the makeup all is the musicians, everyone I made a
comprehensive list on my on the primates at falls twits. And
everyday I would search through that see what they were talking
about. And I would have them. No fly like, it would notify soon as
I tweet it. So I will straight away just being able to say would
you have time for an interview talk about your time on heroes? And
you know, a lot of the kind of not we got quite a few of the
secondary carrots is. And I appreciate that so much because some of
them were some of my favorite characters.
And the rise really helped us out as well. I think so. Yeah. So
yeah, I think that there's a lot there to unpack in it. Don't just
go for the prime people you want to try to build those
relationships in. They opened the doors to other things. Yeah. Now,
we keep talking about Twitter. And we keep talking about that at
one point. I ask you what your strategy was because you were
getting a lot of attention. Your response back to me was I don't
have any you said, I have OCD. I just do this a lot. And then he
and it's funny because you don't know this. But on my end, I was
trying to figure out why it was blowing up so much. So I started
trying to analyze all the little pieces at one thing. I did was I
took four days of tweets, and I wrote down when you tweeted, and
what you tweeted, and that was when I ask you about your strategy.
And when you said, you didn't have one I found it really
interesting because you naturally did a couple of things one was
you did almost. You were almost right on for the eighty twenty
rule. Twenty percent original tweets eighty percent, retweets. I
mean, you were almost spot on with that in that for day. Mark. You
also didn't have I tweeted three. And then I tweeted at five I it
was just kind of throughout the day. There wasn't a rhyme or reason
to it. But I did see a consistency. And it seemed like it could be
unobtrusive. Now, if you're working from lis-, I'm sure that makes
it really easy to the re tweeting thing because we're getting those
notifications, right?
So it was just to me. It was really telling that it wasn't so much
about the strategy as much as it was about the consistency of just
doing it. And being cognizant of who is involved with the show.
Well, it it will kind of started with the kind of pre heroes reborn
because as soon as we found out the show was coming on mainland.
Start thinking about how we can incorporate people into it because
you need an audience. Some we didn't know, you know, this show had
been off the F like five years. So we had to try and bring them
back into it. So the first thing we did was we're going to do a
weekly live tweet, and we're going to rewatch the episodes, and
then directly off towards me, and let us we're gonna do those
episodes as appalled cost separately. And that's how we started. We
started off with really small numbers because we only had a few
people who joining in. But we kept those loyal fans, and they came
with us the whole way through and that's kind of where it started.
So what would happen was? It was basically I I would have a
routine. What I would do. I would wake up first thing in the
morning, maybe about an hour and a half before I actually had to
leave the house, and I would go through Twitter, and I go through
the heroes hashtag, and I would respond to everyone, and I would re
tweet anything that was good. I did the same with the heroes
reborn. And that would be like a good forty five minutes of my
first thing in the morning, and then maybe about lunchtime. I do
exactly the same thing. But because obviously, you know of the time
difference it would show up a different time in America. Like, it
would be like the middle of the night. But it was something that
people who would follow us would be able to look through when they
go up. And I would always make sure it was the last thing that I
did. So I was doing like that three times a day. I was doing like I
was going to the hash tides of anything that was relevant for
heroes or anything that I could join make relevant to hero. So like
if there was national sibling diode put as many siblings in
As I could in a tweet. And I would sweep the out. We got really
lucky that an eclipse happens in the right? Good timing. Yes. So we
just like that was old day of may trying to find time of checking
heroes and tweeting everyone re tweeting and as soon as someone
responded, I would follow them hoping for them to follow me back in
the you know, we kind of build up an audience that way. And then
you tell them like, oh, we do a weekly rewatch. If you want to join
us for a live tweet and anytime someone would join us for the live
tweet. We would shout them out on the on the episode. And as soon
as the episode went out, we would sweep them saying you got show on
the episode. Make sure you listen, and that kind of stuff, and we
it like everything from heroes reborn kind of followed that same
pattern. We would also people for feedback. And no matter what
feedback they gave we would read out. And then we would sweep them.
When the episode came out we use tweeted to a couple of the
because. Anytime someone from the heroes. Reborn costs tweeted out.
So we we tweet at them. And they tweeted back, then I was like,
okay. They're on the list. And I would have a list on my notes on
my iphone of people. We would sweet every time a new episode came
out. So we'd always always tweet out the same bunch of people. And
if Austra while you know, I figured out that they were getting
annoyed with I'd take them off. And I'd only do it if it was
relevant to them. Obviously if we were bad mouthing people, we will
take them off.
Right. But yeah, it it just kind of became a routine of stuff that
I was doing and that was it. Yeah. Interesting. Now, you mentioned
other social media, you mentioned, I mean, you've got clamor you've
got tumbler Facebook. Now, you said that you basically create the
content that you're gonna use to push out from Twitter. Just push
it to those things. Do you do any type of strategy for those other
formats, or is it really just you push it from here? And it goes
where it goes literally by if new trailer came out, I would watch
the trailer, and I would screen show any news scenes, and I would
make like a an analysis of it for twit. So like something for one
hundred like the characters that we needed. And then I would do
exactly the same thing with that on the Facebook and on the
tumbler, but I would elongate it because you you've got more more
words to play them. Okay. All right. Just depends. That's
important. So you're not taking your tweet and just pushing it to
Facebook tomorrow. No, I'm your. Okay. All right. Just depends.
Zuni Ted putting it there. But adding a little bit changing it
slight. Yes. That is important Ricky. So an idea I'm really high on
right now that I'm trying to develop for us NAN when I say us, I
mean, we have eight shows in this network. It's going to be a
hundred by by Christmas. And I can't obviously handle all of those
you see how hard it is to handle one.
Yeah. So I'm actually writing like a playbook for everybody. And we
talk about it on here. I'm kind of sharing it as we explore this.
But a big thing that I'm high on right now is this idea of you
create something so you take an episode of prime attack files, and
it we pretty much do what you do you you find different ways of of
sending out there. But my my big thought right now is how do you
create multiple pieces of content off of that one piece of content
that you can use for social media? So what I mean is you mentioned
your top five list, you mentioned clamours. So you make you. You
make five clamours off the episode, you make sure you send those
out you make sure that you have screen caps in your tweet. Some of
that stuff out you make sure that you have a blog post if you can
or whatever. So it's not just the one piece of content getting
pushed out there. Doing that. It sounds like you're naturally kind
of doing that. I'm trying to develop a strategy little bit more. So
it's a little easier for people to grip onto my question is how
much do you push that one piece? So let's say you make your blog
post your top five. Okay. You tweeted out when you're done. You put
it on Facebook. You obviously stagger. That correct. Yeah. How
often do we know? Don't stagger. It pretty much if I create like
something for Twitter. I would once I finished with I pretty much
put it onto Facebook in some blow. Just right.
Yeah. Yes. Our this. Yes. Yeah. Go ahead. No. The only reason I do
that is because I I've got everything in my hand there, and I can
do it straight away. Snow because I could push out like a time. But
I feel like if I'm going to be doing something on Twitter. I'm
wise, we'll do on the other two because people might not be looking
at the Twitter at that time. They might be looking at the Facebook
or they might be looking at tumbler. So I to me that's how I do it.
And most of my stuff is pushed out through is done on Twitter. No
pushed out, and it's repeated on on that shirt ends the rest, I
kind of one and done it. Okay. That makes sense. And when you do
this on Twitter. So let's say you take your top five list. How
often are you tweeting out that tweet about the top five list, not
the other content? We're talking about we're let's say claim it.
Let's say you make a clamor, and you send it out once in. It's out
the either or do you say you don't I'm gonna send out a clamour on
Monday. And then I'm gonna wait twenty four hours and Senate again,
and then I'll wait for days and send it again. Do you have any type
of strategy like that no pretty much this push out? The only thing
that I would alway I always push out every day is is episodes.
'cause that's like sounds really bad. But I'm just all about the
download numbers shirt. So that so bit I said that's driven by so
do you do you send out? So let's say it's episode one sixty four
will that go out every day. One time will it go out multiple times
at another question is will it go out with the same lake meeting?
Do you send the itunes link do said the Google play link? Do you
send the Lipson link? How do you manage that?
I only well, I would only do I only have indeed be I tunes link.
But that's just because that's how I've been doing it. I haven't
even thought about putting out different different links for it.
But basically I would. So today's is my is my primary. Balls day.
That's when new episode gets released. So I will release I will do
a tweet, but each individual putt catches service. And then I will
finish it with the itchy. And then tomorrow around about the same
time, which is about eight o'clock, my time, maybe ten just
depending on when I'm tired. Basically, I will just do it. In case
you missed it tweet with a generally while we'll put the the newest
episode. And then at the moment, I'm doing old episodes underneath
it. I'm just doing one one extra what moving up one a day. So I
will do that old throughout the week until the next week and the
next Wednesday. I will put the new episode, and then someone so
forth. Any case you missed it. Yeah. Yeah. And if like say, we're
doing the COMEX once I finished the fi once I get once we get to
the fishy, which the loss one, why would probably do as all put
swoop to in case you missed it tweets out a day with all five
episodes. So that you can listen to them continuously. Interesting
interesting now fan interaction, you you're obviously dealing with
them on Twitter. You're talking to people. Are you finding that fan
interaction is key to this also?
Yeah. Well ago, we when we first thought it was only a couple of
people who following us and a couple of people who would sweep out
to us all the time. And you know, it was really good. Because at
the end of 'cause we were doing this rewatch at the end of like the
first season we were able to do a Google play a play we're able to
do a Google hangout. And we had about eight nine people on that,
which you know for a little show which had been off the F like five
years. I was quite proud proud of it. And then we put the out
possess puck cost as well. So we were able to let them know that
you know, you you were involving them in everything. So it's the
same with the feedback as soon as we finish one of the reward.
She's we would say, okay. So what did you think of that episode?
You can tweet us. You can let us know when I'll Facebook, you can
let us know one. By email. We will read out anything, and we did
that. And then like I said we would tweet them as soon as that
episode became available to air. And then the same thing happened
with the Facebook group. So I would put like every time a new
episode come up. I would put a post and they were the guys on the
admins on. There were really great about is just like pimping now
are episodes essentially, and at the bottom of that in a common, I
would want everyone who we had talked to will. He would sit in
I would say you got show in this episode. Make sure you listen. And
then they would. And then the same thing happened on the Facebook
group where I would ask a question, and then they would on, sir.
And then I talked to them, and you know, it's it's always good to
have that kind of fan interaction because it makes them feel Paul
the the crew as we call them prime attack peop-. So yeah, it's
restoring interesting. Well, what points haven't we talked about
here? I'm sure that we're gonna finish. And I'm gonna have eight
hundred is. But what haven't we talked about here? What points? Did
you? I wanna make ranching we got lucky in the fact that primates
at falls was available on pretty much everywhere that we went. It's
not the thing about the name primate falls is it doesn't instantly
you don't instantly think of heroes unless you're really big heroes
fan. But I think it's a brand that we've been able to develop and
with starting to move off into other things now. And you know, I'm
as much. Yeah. We'll just leave that. Okay. Okay. Randy this
important, and and take your branded at work it yet. Definitely,
you know, you actually said something important there too. This is
an ongoing conversation. I've had with people because we have shows
with some of them have very unique names. Some of them are spot on
wall monkeys podcast is about the twelve monkeys TV show. Private
tech files about heroes. That may not.
Yeah. Ring enough said podcast is about marvel. It's about agents
shield is what it was originally about. Now. All about marble. I
think that in your branding. I think it's important to either be
spot on like twelve monkeys or to do if you're going to do it find
something that speaks to the fan prime attack vials because I was a
hero's fan. I knew what that was. Yeah. Nuff said everybody is a
marvel fan knows Stanley ends everything with enough said name
mmediately. No, that's immoral show. Yeah. And then you make sure
you have your tag, a hero's podcast, a marvel podcasts. That's how
you build that brand. But worked at brand don't keep shifting it
underneath. But also, we we stop every episode. We saw with the
same blood, which is you know, whip hall the Southgate media group.
This is prime attack falls Paul the Southgate media group heroes in
heroes, reborn podcast dente will things in the heroes universe.
That's how we solve every episode. And then we always end on the
same end tag. All like, we have one of two enzymes, and we always
end up with something heroes relates and whenever we did interviews
with people. We were able to get them to. Ceo Rennes Agan, that's a
nice little night as you have U S A must will note, you could have
in a clamour. You could say, you know, you can have that. And
that's what you need. And then you can say this is an interview
with eve hollow they know isn't interview with the hall eve hollow
because she says a name she says I'll tied at the end. And then the
link to that interview. So yeah, you know, what it's it's funny.
'cause we when you talk about that beginning ending as a producer,
and this may seem wrote to to some people listening, but to a lot
of podcasters, especially new people. They don't understand that
importance of having that beginning and the end and have something
that builds the brand at the beginning and the end and don't
stumble on.
Yeah. Because there's nothing worse than stumbling through the
beginning of the end of your show, and it feel it you feeling like
what did I just listen to? The other one it. Oh, you mentioned the
the getting people to say it. I can't tell you how many people in
the beginning when we interviewed people for Nuff said, or when we
would even interview other podcasts talked other podcasters, they
all wanted to say our tagline, which is at the mary-anne. We said,
that's it. Everybody enough said, and they would also want to say
Nuff said having that type of brand building is so important
because the fan grips it. I know we're gonna stop moving,
obviously. Because heroes is not is on. I'm gonna say hi is at the
moment. Yeah. We're gonna call it. Wigan assault branding out
raunchy out into other kinds of superhero shows book that on kind
of model DC related because I think that's kind of another niche
market that's not kind of being looked into. So when moving onto
ALPHA's next and ALPHA's was very heroes. It was kind of like
heroes bought Masai fi channel a bit more grounded in reality. And
we've got about four or five episodes in the can. But it took us
about three or four episodes to think of an end tag. And that was
something I was really pushing to we needed a decent end tag. And
finally got one and I'm really looking forward to like moving onto
these other shows though as Ellen stain on prime attack files where
it's going to be okay.
Yes. So basically, we're going to brunch. Everything cow, and it's
just gonna be alpha files 'cause own private falls. We go about
three or four different segments. We've got from its at falls,
which is looking at the old episodes. We've got rebellion reborn.
Which was looking at heroes. Reborn. We've got. Molly Walker which
was to thinking about like the the kind of high. He kind of things
we've got the interviews. We go rebellion. Reborn roundtable.
Rebelling reborn review the lots of different segments on the
primates at while. So we the way I'm seeing it as we want to keep
that branding. And we want to keep that kind of that list of that
body of work behind us. And you know, anyone who's an alpha found
is probably going to be a hero's found as well. So if we only pick
up people if we only pick up people now from ALPHA's, they know
that when they go to all of feeds that the oldies heroes reborn an
hero stuff that they can listen to as well, that's fantastic. And I
have one more requests than for you. Yes. Look at the show powers
yet. It's a mobile show. Isn't it though says it is power? I think
as either Modelo DC, but it's one of the off shoes, but other
staving off shoot I didn't even realize it was so I think that it
kind of stands on its own. Own. And I think that it fits really
well don't do the Cape. The Cape was terrible.
Ooh. The Cape complain about that one. I do my said it would bait
you the next the the one that we kind of push towards which I think
is going to is going to be very much like heroes in heroes reborn,
and we're going to pretty much do the same kind of strategy or I
will kind of do the same strategy for it which is sent site because
that's coming out roughly around about the end of the year. Once we
finish ALPHA's. We'll go straight into sensei, and it will
basically be exactly the same. As what happened with heroes? We
will do the the rewatch and live tweet and get people to get fans
from that. And then we'll do sent site the new season to a weekly
often. It's come out just hope that we can get everything out
before the new season unlike heroes in heroes reborn where we would
like mixing the matching them while. I'm going to request that you
let us know when you're doing a sense eight roundtable because we
did it for binge. Worthy. Ned? We love it we presented income. So,
and I think that's a perfect fit to I think that makes a lot of
sense with heroes analysis. I think I'll also let you know when we
do the Cape as well. Can you please do please? All right. We'll
Ricky thank you so much. This was so much information. I'm
definitely going to have you back on this show.
I can't wait. I've got a process. This is a lot to take in a lot of
things. I take notes on. I hope everybody enjoyed it as much as I
did Ricky. Thank you again. What did you give your social media and
let people know how they can get in touch with you. And if anyone
has questions or comments right to him. So go ahead Ricky, so you
can find you can find my podcast primates at falls on any social
media, just such web, prime attack falls same thing with the with
the pod catches of is just such prime attack falls on any catches
as you will find us. And if you want to contact me, you can just
find me on Twitter. That's Ricky Jay DSS r I c k y J D. I is Ed
Ozzy if you're American all right, man. Thank you again. Ricky the
problem. New media lab is a south gate media group production
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