Jan 22, 2019
Rob follows up with Kevin on his homework and if the changes had an effect. Together, they decide on the best hashtags to use and agree on a solid show description. Kevin's question this week has to do with audience engagement. The answer lies in this week's topic - social media basics.
Each week, Rob answers questions from Kevin Long and offers advice for how to have a successful podcast. Good for newbies and seasoned podcasters alike!
Learn more, subscribe, or contact us at www.southgatemediagroup.com. You can write to Rob at southgatemediagroup@gmail.com and let us know what you think. Be sure to rate us and review the episode. It really helps other people find us. Thanks!
Kevin's Twitter @TheSwamppit
Facebook The Kevin Long Show
Rob Southgate’s Twitter @RSouthgate
Email southgatesmallbusiness@gmail.com
Website www.southgatemediagroup.com/newmedialab
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SHOW HOSTS: Rob Southgate
SHOW EDITOR: Rob Southgate
PRODUCER: Rob Southgate
#NewMedia #Podcasting #Business #YouTube #Blogging #Vlogging
This is a really difficult question. Oh, that's a great question.
That's a good question. That is a great question. It's a really
good question. I love this question. And I think this really is
going to help me kind of meditate and grow on it. Want to hear the
answers checkout season two of new media lab with Robert Southgate
new episodes every Tuesday available on Spotify. I tunes. Google
hod Cass and wherever you subscribe to your favorite podcasts.
Welcome back. Everybody to the second episode of new media labs,
creator lab with me, rob Southgate and with having long. Hey,
kevin. Hey, how are you? I'm doing great. How are you doing today?
I'm doing well. Thank you. You're going to be doing a lot better in
a second. When I start talking about what has happened with your
show this week. Okay. So let's go back talk about we'll do a little
recap of what we did last week. I've got some suggestions before it
gets suggestions, though. I do wanna talk about what happened which
you don't know about. So first of all last week. What we talked
about was I gave you homework. I wanted you to write a detailed
description, and I wanted you to come up with a tag. And I wanted
you to get me some hashtags that we could use for Nautilus social
media for tagging the show. You did not send me the. The tag yet.
Which is okay. I just hold on. I took with you wrote. You sent me a
paragraph, and actually I'm going to pull that up to and that way
we can read your paragraph than I'll I'll explain what I changed a
little bit. And actually, it's any of these kind of things and this
is an important point. Should be looked at as a living document. It
shouldn't be the kind of thing that you go.
Yup. I did it done. You know what I mean? Right. That's where we
run into trouble. So here's what you wrote your description that we
were adding as they showed description, not an individual episode.
It said there was a rich history of tabletop gaming and in the
Kevin long show. Kevin and his guest talk about all the additions
of dungeons and dragons in some of the shows Kevin builds
characters after reading the complete handbook and other weeks, he
talks about character concepts and other story outlines not bad,
not bad. I made some tweaks to it. Basically what I? I did do it
is. I wanted it to flow a little bit better. I also wanted to get a
well, let me read it. I got a couple of things out of there that
were unnecessary words, necessarily language. So that we can
actually make it read a little bit better and add a little bit more
to it. And in fact, even reading it now, I want to add a couple of
things that we could do later. So here's your description. There is
a rich history of tabletop gaming and on the Kevin long show. Kevin
and his guests talk about all the additions of dungeons and
dragons, Kevin and his guests build characters after reading the
complete handbook talk about character concepts and discuss various
story outlines. It's it's a little more defined like it more to
work from what I want to add as I was reading it. I was Kevin and
his guests twice. I'm going to change that I also wanna get in some
of our keywords. Now.
This is where we went into the hashtags, and you came up with four
now where did you find those? I I don't. I think I typed in the
right address that you gave me, but I typed in hashtag of fi. And
it brought me to like a little huddle. Like a bid me where I in
dungeons and dragons in. That's what gave me right? You did you
were in this place. I'm sure okay. So here's what you missed. And
this is something that is good to know. Because is probably because
I've done it enough that I figured out. Oh, don't forget this part
of it. You typed in dungeons and dragons and did search in your
hashtags. You did not write dungeons and dragons guess what word
probably needs to be there, dungeons and dragons, right? So so the
other thing, and this is the part that that I figured out a while
ago because I wasn't paying attention. I was like, oh, I want to do
dungeons and dragons, boom, here's what I got defy E D, R, PG and
tabletop. And then I'm like, wait a minute. Each of those should
type in and see what it gets because what if something is bigger.
Right. So I went through all the different iterations. And here's
what I came up with going off of what you had. Oh, what you had
those weren't the ones you gave me you gave me five eighty dice
five fantasy and gaming.
All excellent. I added to that deity five eight dungeons and
dragons DND RPG and tabletop and the way I came about those was by
typing in like, I typed in DND, right? I got some different ones. I
typed in RPG was terrible. It just gave you like Asian letters
didn't really do it. But typing in five AD and defy it gave me a
couple of different things. Wonderful. So now, we have eight in
fact, let's see if I have any others. On here. I did put dragon
magazine because that is actually another potential one. I think
that's the only one I added. So we have nine different tags. We can
use those went in tags and keywords on Lipson. But Kevin those are
not those are not really valuable. I tunes doesn't use tag tag tags
and keywords what they're valuable for. Is. You wanna have that
list? And when you do your social media throughout the week to
promote this episode you want to use those hash tax. So we came up
with your description. We came up with a good set of hashtags a
solid set of hashtags. Okay today. I posted an episode. It was of
your your Monday. I can't think of the name because I'm drawing a
blank as it Monday. Magic monday. I posted magic Monday today, and
do you mind to be giving how many downloads you get on an episode?
No. That'd be an easing. Okay. We'll get there.
So I posted a magic Monday today and on this episode. I did these
things I not only changed your description this week and updated it
an added those tags. On the description this week when I posted I
added those to the specific episode. I also took something you said
in your description and made that your subtitle. So now on every
episode, we publish your subtitle says Kevin and his guests talk
all about the additions of dungeons and dragons, so now dungeons
and dragons hits as a single word as multiple words if somebody is
searching for it shows up as an important word to Google. So now
Google knows this show is about dungeons and dragons, so we eat.
Okay. So now, we are in a much better place. We've niche down like
we talked about we've gotten those keywords in here. And the other
thing I did then was the stuff that was my part of this. So I went
in to your to the settings. And I made sure you were updated on.
Various platforms, and guess what? I found. Well, I dropped. I
dropped the ball. So I did not have in here some of the different
things. So I added your Facebook. This is in settings on Lipson,
you if you go to settings you can put in keywords and Email and all
that stuff. I put in the Facebook URL, I put in your Twitter handle
what I found was you were not posting too.
I put an I tunes to even though it was posting the I tunes. I put
in that address goes faster, you were not posting to tune in radio.
You are not posting to Stitcher. You're not posting to Google play
or Google podcasts or Spotify. You are now. So I went through and I
made sure every one of those even though technically they don't add
up too much for most shows you're there now or you will be in the
next couple of days. Those even though you think well if apple is
ninety five percent of the downloads. Why do I need to be on all of
them? You do you need that all of them? Because what if your show
what if the people that listen to tune in radio or totally into
your dungeons and dragons show, and you get four hundred dollars on
that on tune in radio. And I tunes gets you twenty. We don't know.
So the point is for everybody making podcasts out there get him in
every channel you can unless that channel is paying you have
Stitcher says we want you to be exclusive. And here's a bunch of
money to do it. Heck? Yeah. I'll be exclusive. But if they haven't
done that. Why would you stay with one put it everywhere? Get it
where the customer is getting in front of them that was something I
hadn't done it's done. Now, let's get into the thing. You really
want to hear about town stew?
Today. We post this episode right on average when we post a new
episode you get about twenty downloads of that particular like that
day. Okay. I'm not going by particular episode. I'm going by
downloads on your feet. Okay. This is an important thing to clarify
because the number. I'm going to give you is. Not today's episode
did this number. It's your feed to this number today. And if you
look at your feed average, it's it's you know, a couple of day, and
then I'll post road you'll get like twenty okay? Which you and I
have been happy with so far. We're like, hey, why not it's twenty
people urge you that's pretty rock and great, right? Yeah. Okay
today. I edit those keywords I updated the description, I added
into those other things, but that's not live yet. So the only one
that was really live was I tunes you had one hundred downloads
today. Wow. And it's only one o'clock Austin, Chicago. So yeah,
man, I think it had an effect will find out tomorrow. If it right.
If it continues if you if we start seeing that. Everyday. Let's say
it goes up to twenty a day would we're not posting something guess
what those little tweaks had an effect. And if they didn't I'll eat
my hat because I'm telling you. I know it did. Right. So there you
go. We are. We are on our way to building audience now before we
move into the next thing.
Okay. I want to ask one thing. Yeah. On the show. I like to get
whatever question you have before start giving out assignments. So
what kind of questions do you have the question today is going to
be how do we get more involved with our audience, and and the new
media lab, you talked about engaging your audience, and I want to
know how to be better at here's the topic. We have this week. Let's
do it because I know how to engage the shows that I'm listening to
on social. Oh media. I just don't know how to get people to engage
Mike show. Excellent. Oh, Kevin you made by day. What my assignment
is this week ties into this pervert? Okay. So we're gonna jump
ahead from like normally what the idea of the show was was I was
gonna help through these little building walks to try to help make
your show a brand and build it up. Right. And after we talked last
week, I thought okay. Well, these were some really basic things
getting those those notes, right and everything getting the tags.
Then I thought well, you wanna see more motion. Even though I think
what we had today was pretty darn good motion five times. We just
went up by five hundred percent. That's good. I wanna see it keep
going. So you're right engagement is a keyed everything. Now, this
is going to be a slower burn. But we're going to try something K.
So first of all, let's go over what social media platforms. You
have the show on what do you have?
I'm on. I do Facebook and Twitter are the ones that I most active
on, but I do have an Instagram account. Okay. And the Instagram
account is that four swamp. It is at four the come long show. Or is
it your personal? It's a personal. It's a personal. Okay. Let's
take that one off the table. Okay. That's not what we need to use.
Although I would suggest thinking about at some point getting an
Instagram that is the Kevin long show. Okay, instagram. Okay.
Here's why with these different platforms. If you have a Kevin long
show Instagram when we post something you can post like seventeen
hashtags, and it's not weird. Okay. And this is something that I've
said before to people, and I get brushback. I don't get brushback
from people that actually know the social media kind of etiquette
and rules. I get it for people that are like, no, it doesn't really
matter. Or no, I do it this way. We'll great. There are no hard and
fast rules. But there are some things that do make a difference. So
first of all, let's let's talk about these Instagram you could do
up to seventeen hashtags there is a trick to get more. But if you
have seventeen good hashtags you're off to the races. Okay. When
you're using Instagram, and let's just talk about that for a
second. Then we'll move onto what matters to you Instagram is a
visual medium. So you want to make sure you take like the artwork
from the show if you have some if you don't let's start. We'll talk
about that on another episode. Kevin k-.
If you if you have behind the scenes pictures, or like in your
case, you do gaming throughout the week. Take pictures of like your
books. Take pictures of your dice take pictures of things related
to DND, even if it's a page out of the book or a quote out of one
of the books, or when you do your monster of the week or magic
Monday, you take a picture of that from the book and you posted on
Instagram and you're like, hey, it's the bag holding. That's what
we're talking about this week that works beautifully oppose
hashtags or things people are looking for. And you put it a good
amount of them. And it can be like like I do things when I post
because I'm kind of a coffee addict, I take pictures for Instagram
where I'm holding a coffee Cup, and I'm like podcasting today. And
I'll bet hashtag podcast podcasters, Chicago podcasting media new
media coffee coffee addict. Like all these things. And you'd be
surprised I have a huge amount of followers that are like these
coffee bloggers IB huge amount that are podcasters like because I
use those hashtags it gets noticed. Okay. But you don't do
Instagram yet. So we're not gonna worry about that for this week.
What I want you to do is. We're going to do a Facebook and a
Twitter strategy. Okay. You wanna put the pick those you've got
those nine hashtags right right now on on Facebook. I know they
take hashtags, but it's actually been tracked. If you read some of
these sources about social media about you know, what works and
what dozen this hashtags don't really work on Facebook. In fact,
the the the post without hashtags tend to do a little bit better
the ones with I don't know why it makes.
When you click on the activity, tag and type in listening to gaming
with Scott are the this old good. So so it's just like I said if
you can be everywhere with your podcast feel free to use hashtags
everywhere with this. Okay. All good stuff. And when you say,
you're listening to gaming Lescot. That's an excellent thing. I
wish everybody did that for every show there listened to because it
sells people where you are. It might entice them to listen, I know
that I've clicked on shows when I've seen that pop up. So that's an
excellent practice from a personal standpoint. And also from your
show because it says Kevin long is listening to me. What Scott
anyone that follows? You is going to see that be like a look,
there's another gaming podcast. This is cool. You want to build it
like reciprocity between the podcasts. And if you mentioned a
podcast, make sure you tag them put an at gaming with Scott when we
do this. We need. Make sure we put hey gaming at giving. What Scott
we talked about you on today's show. Right. Okay. So I've got
thoughts here with with Twitter with Twitter you wanna use no more
than two maybe three hashtags. I know you can use more it starts to
cluttering people. Don't look at them. Sometimes when it has too
much starts to look like a bought. Okay. So if you have to hash
dad's, you're in good shape. Now, you have nine hashtags to work
with what that should mean to you is, hey, every time I post maybe
I wanna switch up those hashtags right guy and easy way to do.
Do. It is to use a an app called tweet deck where you can go in you
sign in you've got your Twitter account when you you can go in and
say, here's what I want the tweet to say, here's the image. I wanna
use with always use an image on Twitter if tax people go right past
it. Okay. So they they see the image. They read the thing. On tweet
deck. You can say you can schedule it. So now, you can say, you
know, what I wanna make sure that my show is hitting on Tuesday. I
wanna make sure that that between seven AM and noone like once on
our a tweet goes out. That says, hey, we've got to do episode
today. You can send the same tweet all five times. Let's say you're
doing five on that day. Okay. And it said the same tweet just
change the hash tags on each of them or you can change your
verbiage a little bit. So it's a little bit more interesting. If if
you're doing like, the the bag of holding maybe there's a couple of
different images of bags of holding or images that would be kinda
cool that you'd be like, yeah, I could put this on air it or even
the the show logo for one of them changing it up a little bit. You
don't have to do twenty tweets a day. Okay. But the day launches
maybe five would be really good.
Okay. The other thing you can do that. Let's say as we're starting.
In fact, we will do it this way for this week do five on the date
launches you had a magic Monday happened today. Figure out five
tweets. Okay. And space out like once an hour. Then we can get into
timing. And all that another time. I don't care what it is right
now five tweets different hashtags, use them up. Okay. And if you
wanna do if you more you can keep in mind that a tweet has a twenty
minute lifespan at best. So don't worry that. Oh my gosh. I'm
tweeting too much the person looking at the tweets unless they're
only looking at your feed your going to go away. They're not gonna
care that. You're tweeting every hour, right? Make sense. So let's
start with Twitter with that. And then said another thing today is
is Monday your show hit today. So setup five tweets I want you to
do the exact same thing on Thursday with the same show. But now put
ice e or I see why am I in case you missed it in all caps. Why do
it with the hashtag? And put that I so it's in case you missed it.
I had a new show boasts new magic Monday posted on Monday. Check it
out or we did a magic Monday about blank today. Check it out and
then use your hashtags. So getting your doubling up you're getting
double the hit. And it is a people that you have this show out
there and what it's about.
Okay. So that's one thing. We'll try that. You're talking maximum
of of or a minimum of ten tweets over the course of between now.
And next Monday. Let's see what happens. And if you're like, man, I
can't do that. Today set them for tomorrow tomorrow and Thursday.
Okay. That was good for the regular Kevin long show. Do it. What do
we post on Wednesday Thursday? So do I'm gonna switch it up on your
man. Okay. Do either today or tomorrow for Thursday do five for the
Kevin long show on Friday? Do in case you missed it for magic
Monday and on Monday of next week do five in case you missed it for
the Kevin long show. Okay. Let's see if these numbers change now
Facebook this goes back to your question. Yeah. Finally, Mr
long-winded got back to the question. You ask about engagement? So
one way to do it or to try, and you may get some you may not. But
on your Facebook page. We posted new episode today. Make sure you
post a link to it. But you wanna say something? Engage as anybody
used this. What what was the magic Monday today? Let's go look and
see. One that hit today was the deck of many things are so is there
a question related to the Decca many things that you could ask is.
Against snow. So ask a question or say, you know, magic Monday deck
of many things discussion threat, and then then put a description
underneath it. That says like like, let's talk about the Decca many
things. And then asked your questions what experience if you guys
had what was the best time you used it or whatever it is.
Okay. And hopefully, you'll get somebody. That'll right now, here's
the key. With all of that. You're you're chumming the water by
saying, hey, I want you to talk to me as soon as somebody talks to
you make sure it doesn't have to be in that minute. But before you
go to bed at night. Make sure that every interaction has had a
reaction from say something back engage with them. Get them in
conversation. Okay. Okay. You may or may not get any. That's okay.
You gotta keep doing it. You wanna know how those shows get
interaction? This is exactly how they get. Interaction. Perfect. I
have a lot more to say about how to been late all of this. But for
now, I think that gives you a good solid thing to work from your
homework is do those tweets and make a thread for this episode gets
conversation going. Okay. Cool. Sounds great any other questions.
Kevin not at the moment. All right. Why hope this is working for
people? I hope they're getting some good information. Like, I said,
the creators lab is a way more casual discussion. I try to come in
with an idea that I wanna share a homework I wanna share and Kevin
tries to come in with a question. I hope it's helping and I I hope
it's going to help you Kevin because I'm telling you jumping up to
one hundred downloads today that was shocking to me. So let's hope
that rain continues.
Yes, for sure why don't you give your social media? You can find us
on Facebook just type in the Kevin long show. And you can find us
on Twitter at the swamp pit great. And he will have a thread for
the episodes. You can get in conversation about this episode, and
please do and Kevin I'm going to give you one more tip before I go.
Yeah. And this is something that when I said, give your social
media, you should have done, and I wanna make it. So that it's
ingrained in you. And it should also be on your your show notes,
which it's not give your Email K. So make sure you give your Email
whenever you can. Because a lot of people even though you say,
here's my Twitter. Here's my Instagram. Here's my Facebook. Here's
my YouTube channel a lot of people engage through Email. So give it
and make sure it's in your show notes, and actually your homework.
Their last thing is text me or tweet me or. Message me with your
Email, and I'll put it on your show notes going forward. Sweet. So
what's your Email? Kevin you can Email us at the Kevin long show at
gmaiLcom perfect city. We're gonna we're gonna get you in good
habits. And I can't wait to see where this goes. Wouldn't it be
cool? If we actually made this show rock the house that would be
great. I think it can. I love the show.
All right. Kevin. Thank you so much and everybody else we will talk
to you on Thursday with the next episode of new media lab. I hope
you enjoyed this last one with Brent hand. So this week's guest is
Andrea Klender. Andrea is awesome. She does a thing where she's
your podcast, boss. I've been interviewed. Martha I got interviewed
by her at a women in podcast festival. She was on the SIM G podcast
festival out at blue-box. Cafe. She is really fantastic has
wonderful ideas. And. You're probably gonna want to listen to her
show in conjunction with this show as soon as you get a load of
what she has to say. So the guest for this Thursday is Andrea
Klunder from your podcast, boss. You're gonna love it.